The party


Koishi held a party at her place. she was all liek, "COME ONE, COME ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARTY WITH BOOZE AT MY PLACE!!!!!!!!!!! WITH DUBSTEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and everyone came.

the party

everyone came (lel came) and got drunk. jeff da killa came and danced his butt off. ben came and drowned in beer. Mario turned into a rebel. bowser ate someone. slenderman came and danced with all the girls using his tentacles. heya got so drunk that he peed himself so he changed into a dress. Koishis got sexxed. worm jeff infected some guy, and he ded. happy appy got eaten by the drunk guys. marty mcfly took acid. R41NB0W D45H ate The Man With A Bag. And of course, PATRIXXXX and EVIL PATRIXXXX killed people and ate hamburgas.

the results

everyone woke up up hungover and threw up the next morning. everyone then agreed that Koishi held the best parties, and then went home. Only it was her birthday that day, so they had another party, this time at the strip club.